Study. A brief reflection on the Book of Job. By Sergio Bodo

Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.


Job could say that presents Christ as our Redeemer , » I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall be my lawyer here on earth » ( 19:25 NIV version ) . Job sees him as the » Goel » , which is the kinsman redeemer and not a distant God and strange.


The book takes its name from the main character, Job. It is not clear the meaning of the word » Job» , although some scholars think that means » object of enmity » or «the returning ( to God ) » . Should be considered merely as a common name back then and meaningless.

Date and background events

There are indications that lived Job in patriarchal period and perhaps was contemporary of Abraham. Alusi6n No one in the book to life and misi6n of Israel , the covenant , the tabernacle and the priesthood. We will see the patriarchal conditions in which the family is the social and communal .
Like the patriarchs described in Genesis, Job and Family head priest and intercessor serves .
Worship is limited to its most primordial religious rites in a simple way (see 1:5, 42:8 ) .
All this presupposes a time prior to the organization of Israel as a nation.

The reference to cattle as wealth of Job, also seems to indicate the time before the founding of the great empires in Mesopotamia. If it was written in that period , is the oldest book of the Bible .

Reflection. Why do the righteous suffer ? By Fabian Massa

Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.

There is a question that has remained unanswered always: Why do the righteous suffer ? In the collective unconscious [1 ] is set to the belief that the righteous should be good and bad evil. In all ancient cultures the gods reward the good and punish the bad , considering that the value of good or bad is not always consistent with the biblical concept of good and evil .
For anyone who has read the book of Job , the question » Why all this could have happened if Job was a good man ? » is practically required .
On a religious level as that of the three friends of Job, it was inconceivable that a just pass him such tremendous calamities. According to his way of thinking (which is still in force in society and in the Church even today , 4,000 years later ) Job was hiding a dark past and sinful in the extreme , the only way to justify the «punishment» of God about his life .

Reflexión. ¿Por qué sufren los justos? By Fabian Massa

ImagenHay una pregunta que ha permanecido sin contestar desde siempre: ¿Por qué sufren los justos? En el inconsciente colectivo[1] está fijada la creencia de que a los justos les debe ir bien y a los malos mal. En todas las culturas antiguas los dioses premian a los buenos y castigan a los malos, teniendo en cuenta que el valor de bueno o malo no siempre concuerda con el concepto bíblico del bien y del mal.
Para todo aquél que ha leído el libro de Job, la pregunta «¿Porque le habrá pasado todo esto a Job si era un buen hombre?» es prácticamente obligada.
En un plano religioso como el de los tres amigos de Job, era inconcebible que a un justo le pasen tan tremendas calamidades. De acuerdo a su forma de pensar (que sigue vigente en la sociedad y aún dentro de la Iglesia de hoy en día, 4.000 años después) Job estaba ocultando un pasado oscuro y pecaminoso en extremo, única forma de justificar el “castigo” de Dios sobre su vida.

Reflexión. La esperanza. By Fabian Massa.

La esperanza.

La esperanza es el último bastión del alma. Una persona sin esperanza ya no le encuentra sentido a la vida y por lo tanto está peligrosamente cerca de la muerte.
El sitio Definición ABC dice: La esperanza se define como uno de los sentimientos más positivos y constructivos que puede tener un ser humano. La esperanza es aquel sentir que hace que un individuo construya hacia un futuro cercano o lejano una situación de mejoría o de bienestar. Para que tal sentimiento se haga presente, la persona debe contar con una actitud optimista, volviéndose entonces la esperanza en algo mejor algo muy difícil de sentir en casos de depresión, angustia o ansiedad[1].
Hay sociedades que pueden poner la esperanza en su sistema de gobierno, en sus dirigentes. Pero también existen, aún dentro de los países desarrollados, sectores que han sido marginados y a los cuales el sistema no les da lugar a ninguna esperanza de cambio.

Reflection. The Earth in Space, according to Job and NASA. By Fabian Massa.

Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.

The Septentrión extends over the void, on nothing hangs the earth .

Job 26.7 Jerusalem Bible .
The famous «Blue Marble » (or blue marble ) represents the first photograph of the Earth is fully illuminated . The photo was taken on December 7, 1972 by the crew of Apollo . Photo: NASA
The book of Job is one of the oldest in the Old Testament. Traditionally ascribed to Moses highway , who heard a Job in Uz , region between Arabia and Edom . On the date of writing , scholars not completed agree, but the tradition set in between 1500 and 1400 BC
The fact is that Job is a description of the Earth floating in space , suspended in «nothing» from outer space. How did Job know this? the answer is easy for believers : » oviamente God told him .» But for those who did not believe this statement was only an enigmatic Job poetic phrase , just a way of saying . The world’s oldest civilizations , considered that :