NEWS. U.S. vs. Syria. By Fabian Massa.

Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.

Washington and its allies in Europe and the Middle East have already taken the decision to launch an attack on Syria . The imminent intervention could begin Thursday and last for days.

Experts say the most likely option is that the missile attack occurs occasionally cruise – drone – launched drones known from surface ships and submarines in the Mediterranean.

The Tomahawk missile destroyers loaded , go 1,600 kilometers capable half-ton loaded with conventional explosives . Each of these devices can cost , depending on the model in question , up to 1.5 million dollars ( 1.1 million euros). Moreover, the use of aircraft does not seem a viable option , because Syria has a large capacity that is virtually untouched antiaircraft . The control of the skies in the Arab country would be difficult to maintain , unlike what happened during the NATO bombing in Libya 2011.
All analysts insist that it will be a » Surgical Operation » having as targets military targets . For Christopher Harmer, analyst U.S. Naval Institute for the Study of War, missile strikes are accurate , but do not have an extraordinary destructiveness . «They can not remove chemicals and only temporarily reduce the ability to carry out operations.»

NEWS. Israel strengthens its defenses by the Syrian-Iranian threat. By Fabian Massa.

Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.

According to an article published on 29 Aug 2013 in the newspaper El Pais in Spain, the Israeli secret service (Mossad) has provided the U.S. A «test» on the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government against civilians.

This test consists of a conversation between Syrian commanders on the use of chemical weapons on the outskirts of Damascus, which resulted in the death of over 1,300 civilians, including women and children most.

NEWS. Israel refuerza sus defensas por la amenaza Sirio-Iraní. By Fabian Massa.

De acuerdo a una noticia publicada el 29 Ago 2013 en el diario El País de España, el servicio secreto israelí (Mosad) ha proporcionado a los EE. UU. Una “prueba” sobre el uso de armas químicas por parte del gobierno sirio contra la población civil.
Dicha prueba consiste en una conversación entre altos mandos sirios sobre el uso de armas químicas en las afueras de Damasco, que tuvo como resultado la muerte de más de 1300 personas civiles, entre ellos la mayoría mujeres y niños.

NEWS. Drums of War in the Middle East. By Fabian Massa

Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.

Iran to West: » If there is war in Syria , Israel will have to worry about «
Quote of the Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani.

20 » But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those in Judea flee to the mountains , let those in the city get out , and let those in the country not enter the city. 22 this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that is written . 23Woe to those who are pregnant or breastfeeding in those days! For there shall be great distress in the land and wrath against this people. 24 They will fall by the sword , and be led away captive into all nations. The Jerusalem trampled by Gentiles until the times indicated are met for them.

Luke 21.20 – 24 . NIV
While intervention in Syria seems to be close to becoming a fact , Iran has expressed its support for the regime of Bashar al- Assad. Together with its allies China and Russia ( Gog and Magog ) will support the Syrian regime to keep it afloat.

NEWS. Slaughter in Egypt, 14 Aug 2013. By Fabian Massa

Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.

 The August 14, 2013 will remain in the history of Egypt as a day of deep sorrow. This country has been on the brink of a civil war after the Islamist supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi. This has not done anything but make a fire of hatred in this country: After the eviction of the followers of Morsi and the Brotherhood of the places where they camped peacefully, enraged protesters vented their anger at government buildings and Christian churches.
The day ended with at least 278 deaths, 43 of them policemen, and the restoration of the state of emergency, in force for three decades under the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak.
So we have the whole Middle East region is under very high pressure: The civil geurra in Syria (where there are already around 120,000 dead and more than 1.5 million displaced) Violence in Iraq, Iran, and Palestine and Israel and now Egypt.

Week 70 is about to begin, only Jesus saves. Are we ready?

NEWS. Masacre en Egipto, 14 ago 2013

El 14 de Agosto de 2013 quedará en la historia de Egipto como un día de profundo dolor. Este país ha quedado al borde de una guerra civil después de que los islamitas seguidores del depuesto presidente Mohamed Morsi. Esto no ha hecho otra cosa que encender un fuego de odio en ese país: Luego del desalojo de los seguidores de Morsi y de los Hermanos Musulmanes de las plazas donde acampaban pacíficamente, los manifestantes enardecidos descargaron su furia contra edificios gubernamentales e Iglesias cristianas.

La jornada se cerró con, al menos, 278 fallecidos, 43 de ellos policías, y la reinstauración del estado de emergencia, vigente durante tres décadas bajo la dictadura de Hosni Mubarak.
Asi tenemos que toda la región de Oriente Medio está bajo una presión muy alta: La geurra civil en Siria (donde ya hay alrededor de 120.000 muertos y mas de 1.5 millones de desplazados) La violencia en Irak, Iran, y Palestina e Israel y ahora Egipto.

La Semana 70 está por comenzar, solo Cristo salva. ¿Estamos listos?

 Nota Diario el País:

La Guerra de la Liberación de Israel.


1.   Un poco de historia
La Nación de Israel se dividió en dos al finalizar el reinado de Salomón en el 930 a. C.:
        I.            El Reino de Israel (Norte) con capital en Samaria
      II.            El Reino de Judá (Sur) con capital en Jerusalén.
El Reino del Norte fue destruido y sus habitantes llevados a la cautividad por el imperio Asirio en 721 a. C.
El Reino de Judá persistió hasta el 607 a.C. cuando Nabucodonosor  conquistó toda la región y se llevó cautivo al pueblo a Babilonia:
 Por entonces subieron a Jerusalén los siervos de Nevujadnetzar, rey de Babilonia, y la ciudad fue sitiada… Y se llevó a todo Jerusalén, y a todos los príncipes, y a todos los hombres valientes, diez mil cautivos en total, y a todos los artesanos y los herreros. Nadie quedó, salvo los más pobres del pueblo de la tierra… Y el rey de Babilonia hizo a Mataniahu, hermano de su padre, rey del lugar y cambió su nombre por el de Tzidkiahu. (Melajim –Reyes- 11 24:10-17)
En el 537 a.C. bajo el gobierno de Ciro, se autorizo el regreso a Jerusalén de los judíos que así quisieran hacerlo, bajo el liderazgo de Nehemías[1] y Esdras[2].

La Epopeya de Gedeón.


1.           El Llamado de Gedeón
12 Y el ángel de YHVH se le apareció, y le dijo: YHVH está contigo, varón esforzado y valiente. Jueces 6
2.           El Propósito de su llamado
14 Y mirándole YHVH, le dijo: Ve con esta tu fuerza, y salvarás a Israel de la mano de los madianitas. ¿No te envío yo?
16 YHVH le dijo: Ciertamente yo estaré contigo, y derrotarás a los madianitas como a un solo hombre.  Jueces 6

Priests and Priestesses of Dark side.

Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.


A. Pastor John Osboune (Ozzi, for «friends»)

At the entrance of the Week 70 on Wednesday June 12, 2013, touched and very as the crow flies, the theme of the priesthood of the darkness of Ozzy Osbourne. Reading between the lines lyrics Black Sabbath [1] we see that in it the singer testifies to his «Call» to serve Satan
Black Sabbath [2]:
I. What is this that stands before me?
II. Figure in black which points at me with his finger
III. I turn around quick, and start to run
IV. I learn that I am the one, Oh noooooo!
In this first verse clearly explains that Ozzy receives a «Call» has been chosen for a specific purpose.
V. Huge black shape with eyes of fire telling people your wishes
VI. Satan is sitting there smiling
VII. Watching the flames climb higher and higher
VIII. Oh no, no, please God help me


V this verse reveals something important: Satan tells people what your wishes are obviously to be fulfilled. The lyrics of certain groups, on all heavy metal bands are the preferred vehicles of Satan to communicate your wishes.
Ozzy Vl identifies Satan.
IX. Is this is the end, my friend?
X. Satan is going crazy
XI. people running because they are terrified
XII. Best people to go and watch, No, no, please, no!
Of course, most people say that no, actually the lyrics of the songs with direct references to the satanic are just that: Letters, it’s all just a matter of marketing, because all that means hell, Satanism, prohibited and rebellion is the preferred consumables youth with sexual promiscuity, drugs, alcohol and override any rules.

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The Red Horse II. Winds of War in Syria.

Translated from Spanish to English with Google Translator.

Again waving a warlike spirit in the Middle East. Israel [1] attacked in the early hours of Friday April 3 Syrian positions [2].

The Syrian Assad regime [3] did not hesitate to massacre their own people [4] as long stay in power.

Again waving a warlike spirit in the Middle East. Israel [1] attacked in the early hours of Friday April 3 Syrian positions [2].

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